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I'm Fluffy

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I'm Ginger

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I'm Fluffy

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I'm Ginger

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Take Action
The good news is no one is too young or too small to help their planet.
Here are some ways you can make a difference too.

The big issue with waste is getting rid of it, so the best thing to do is CREATE LESS OF IT.
We all create waste all the time, every day, so we are all now trying to take more notice of this. You can reduce you waste by following the 3 R's:
Reduce the amount of new things you buy or have your parents buy
Reuse the things you already have
Recycle the things you no longer need.

The big issue with ENERGY is how it is made.
Most of the energy that we use every day in our lives comes from burning fossil fuels like oil, coal, petrol, diesel and turf. When they are burned, polluting gases are released into the air.
There is great progress happening in the search for cleaner ways to make energy, but in the meantime, we can all try to be ENERGY BUSTERS.

Water is a precious gift that Nature gives us and we all need it to survive.
Climate Change is causing many parts of the world, including Ireland, to have warmer temperatures and less rain is falling in hot countries. Water may become less plentiful and we must learn not to waste it.

The big issue with FOOD is how we make it.
There are so many humans on Earth now that it takes a massive amount of food to keep us all fed. This means huge areas of natural habitat has been turned into farms to make food.
Making food for us humans to eat can be a dirty business for our planet. This is why we must learn not to waste our food.

The big issue with TRAVEL is the fuel the vehicles (cars, trains, aeroplanes) use.
Aeroplanes burn enormous amounts of fuel for each journey, so reducing our air travel even a little can make a big difference.
This is why travel is one area we look at to help our planet- so that less fossil fuels are burned getting us places!

We humans are using up too much land, water and space for ourselves.
We are forgetting to leave enough room for wildlife and Nature to be healthy too. All life on Earth, including humans, are connected and depend on each other. Humans are not more important than other creatures or plants, we are just part of the web of life on Earth.
We must learn to love and treasure Nature, and every living thing on Earth, and help creatures which are in danger of becoming extinct to recover again.
Kids Climate Action Checklist
Use this handy checklist if you want to do some things to help your planet.
Do your best but remember - no one is perfect! We all have times when we stick to things better than others, so never feel guilty for trying.
I would rather do something imperfectly, than do nothing perfectly!
Get your checklist here Kids Climate Action Checklist
Use your Voice
If you have concerns about the environment, and your planet, talk to your adults, or teacher, about ways you can use your voice to make a difference.
Using your voice can also mean writing to or contacting the people in charge, like the government, local councillors and politicians. Tell them what you think and what you need them to do about it. This will help you become part of the solution. Your opinion matters and you are never too young to make a difference!
And Finally… change takes time!
Don’t get upset if your family can’t manage to do most of these things right now.
Just focus on the things you can manage yourself - like minding your stuff, wasting less food, switching off lights and taps and helping wildlife in your area– because you are making a difference to be proud of.
When everyone in the world does their share, each small change adds up to a ginormous difference for our planet.
And once you have done your own small things to help your planet, go back to playing and just enjoy being a child. The rest of it is up to the adults and, don't worry, more and more adults all around the world are helping the planet too.
Useful links
Irish Resources
Projects – Green-Schools (greenschoolsireland.org) - Interactive activities to do at home with kids.
Picker Pals | VOICE Ireland - Litter pick initiative kids can get involved with
How to lower your carbon footprint - SpunOut.ie - Ireland's Youth Information Website - Useful information for teens
Worldwide resources
How to save the planet: a guide for kids! | National Geographic Kids (natgeokids.com)
What can we do to help? | NASA Climate Kids
50 Ways to Help the Planet - Save Our Environment and Earth
Eco-Activities | Earth Rangers: Where kids go to save animals!
13 ways to save the Earth from climate change (nationalgeographic.com)