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I'm Fluffy

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I'm Ginger

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I'm Fluffy

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I'm Ginger

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Hi, I'm Stef Greene.
As a busy mum of three young boys, I've tried every trick in the book to get my comfort loving kids outdoors to play. Now aged between 7 and 11 years, this challenge has increased with every additional candle on their birthday cake.
But, knowing they still need time outdoors, for their health and wellbeing, I put together a toolbox to get my kids outdoors more.
Filled with simple outdoor activities, tips and inspiration, this toolbox helped me launch a campaign to swap Indoor Time and Screen Time for Outdoor Time and Green Time for my family.
This toolbox has morphed into the Naturedays Activity Finder you find on the site today.
I hope you have many hours of happy, outdoor, fun using it.
About Stef Greene
Stef is a Chartered Tax Advisor by trade but spends most of her time nowadays running NatureDays.ie. She holds an honours Degree in Sociology, Politics & Economics from NUIG and has a keen interest in areas of justice and equality.
Feeling a need to act for her children, and Irish children in general, in the face of the Climate Emergency, she followed her instincts to promote the importance of Nature and outdoor play for children. With her climate activism goals in mind, she applied for and was accepted as both an Irish Climate Ambassador & an EU Climate Pact Ambassador for 2022. As a Climate Ambassador, she received training on the Climate Emergency as it is today, current scientific findings, communication and evolving solutions. Stef's goal is to educate Irish people about climate change in a down to earth way and empower them to take everyday Climate Action in their own lives. With her particular interest in children and young people, she wants to get Irish families talking about Climate Change and, moving from a position of fear and uncertainty, into a position of DOING with the help of Nature Days.
Stephanie completed the first Green4C e-learning certificate in "Green Care: from academic theory to entrepreneurial practice" in Spring 2022 and gained valuable learning on the health & wellbeing benefits of Nature in our lives. Green4C is a three-year project innovating and promoting nature-based health and social care through university-business alliances. Green4C is funded by the European Commission and brings together experts from around the world on the area of Nature, Health & Wellbeing promotion, including academics from University of Padova in Italy and University College Dublin in Ireland, as well as Meath Partnership. https://www.greenforcare.eu/
Stef thinks of herself as a youth minded person. She is an active volunteer in the juvenile areas of both her local Basketball and GAA clubs in Meath and has spent time volunteering as a leader with Foroige, facilitating youth groups for teenagers in west Dublin.
Nature Days is a FREE, and NOT FOR PROFIT, resource created by me with three main ambitions:
Help families get outdoors, active, and children wanting to play outdoors - all in a simple & convenient way.
Help people connect with Nature more regularly & tap into the health and wellbeing benefits this can bring.
Help people understand about Climate Change and the small steps we can all take to Help Our Planet. Find ways to support our children and young people in the face of this daunting issue for their young lives too.