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I'm Fluffy

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I'm Ginger

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I'm Fluffy

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I'm Ginger

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7 Nature Days Challenge - Day 2
Aim: 15 Minutes Outdoors
Activity: Family Nature Bingo
Step 1 - Tune In
Take a few minutes when you first go outside to do a quick Tune In to Nature (See Day 1). It helps to get into a mindset of slowing down just a little, giving some time back to yourself and being mindful as you start your day.
On your walk around the block, or ramble in the garden, chat about what the weather is like, what are the sights, sounds and smells of this day. What are the birds doing, any insects or flying critters around, any animals around? What do the plants look like? Can anyone spot anything different from yesterday, new since yesterday or anything gone since yesterday? Can anyone spot something mysterious?
Step 2 - Family Nature Bingo

Pick a spot where you have access to some shrubs, or trees if you can, to have a game of Family Nature Bingo. Find the Link below to the printable version. Print a list for everyone in your bingo game. Otherwise use your phone to view the Bingo sheet and have the kids tick them off in their nature journal as they find them.
If you are under time pressure, pick a few activities from the bingo sheet for today and then continue the game another day/days.
Giving your undivided time and attention is what is key for your kids enjoyment. Seeing you join in, letting go and being childlike with them for a while is what makes memorable moments for them.
Optional- Winners prize: choose some small reward for the winner or maybe you are all winners for giving it a go!