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I'm Fluffy

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I'm Ginger

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I'm Fluffy

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I'm Ginger

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30 Minutes - Nature Play
Encouraging play in all its wonderful ways is key to a child's development.
Pick from the list below and watch at they take on new challenges over time.

Garden Games

Check out this link for great garden game ideas-water, laughs and much more. Try to find compostable or recycled balloons and remember to recycle them again. You can find some quirky ideas here too https://www.woohome.com/outdoor/top-34-fun-diy-backyard-games-and-activities.

Blindfold senses challenge

Challenge your kids to identify common objects in a treasure box and scents from a smelling plate while blindfolded to win points for their team. Take the game outside to add in some Nature elements too.

Blindfold Obstacle Course

Each team has to direct their team mate through a series of obstacles to earn a point. There are many other activities to try with blindfolds- free kicks, hula hooping, shooting hoops, skipping, target shooting with nerf guns, walking the line - the list is endless!

Check out many more Nature Play ideas in 15 Minutes Nature Nudge

Nature Play Ideas

Build a quick back garden obstacle course

There's nothing like the fun of an obstacle course, or pretending you are all part of the Irish show jumping team at the Dublin Horse Show. It's just pure fun. Anything goes, once you have to hop over, roll under, skip around, crawl through or balance across just about anything lying around your garden shed!

Ball games

Played all over the world - Recipe for fun! Crossbar challenge, chip into a bin or bucket challenge, rolling, kicking, heading, bouncing, keepie-uppies, it's endless! Challenge the kids to find 3 objects at home and make a new ball game with them. This idea can be adapted many times over.

Backyard garden tour

Challenge your kids to map your garden or green space beforehand and get ready for a VIP guest. Pretend you are a visiting king or queen and have your kids give you a tour of your new castle gardens-using their map - before finishing with a royal feast outdoors.