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I'm Fluffy

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I'm Ginger

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I'm Fluffy

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I'm Ginger

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15 Minutes Nature Walks
We have every Nature Walk you can imagine - and then some!

Footpath Olympics

Set challenges along the way like hop over the lines, freeze where there is different colour, balance walk along straight lines, jump over puddles,

Eat outside

Mini picnic outside

Check out the weather outside

Play the weather forcast game - everyone takes turns to report to weather outside : What it feels like, sounds like, look like: wind, sun, clouds, rain, temperature

Get under the trees

It feels good to walk beneath the leaves and get up close to a cool tree trunk on a warm day- give it a try as you play hide and seek amongst the nearby trees and shrubs.

Take pictures

Take snaps of interesting things you find outdoors and kids can draw them later while indoors

Find a Story Stone

Give a stone a story or take a Story Stone with you, sit down in a sheltered spot and create a story together using what is all around you today. Engage all the senses.

Make a leaf chain

Gather interesting leaves to make a chain

Go on a Colour Walk

Search for the colours of the rainbow along your short walk

Treasure Trail

Have a challenge to find the most unusual nature treasure on your route. Think sticks, stones, shells, features, leaves and much more.

Make daisy or flower chains

Gather flowers to make chains & bracelets

Nature journal

Make a Nature Journal for your Nature Walks. Check out more here https://www.printablesfairy.com/nature-journal-for-kids/

Stone balancing challenge

Who can build the tallest tower?

Secret Messages

Leave signs or secret messages in the hollow of a tree for a friend or sibling to find. You could link in with another family to add to the fun for your older kids.