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I'm Fluffy
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I'm Ginger
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I'm Fluffy
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I'm Ginger
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15 Minutes - Rainy Days
and Nature Nights
We aren't all about sunshine and fair weather here at Nature Days HQ - Getting out into Nature can be fantastically rewarding any time of day or night. Getting out and playing in the rain is wonderful for building resilience in the little ones too.
Worm Hunt
Go out and find worms after the rain stops- that's when they come out!
Puddle Jumping Contest
See who can throw the best body shapes while jumping in puddles
Go on a bird walk at dusk
Birds are very active as the light fades so take some time to watch and listen
Explore the night sky
Half the fun of stargazing is watching your kids cultivate a sense of curiosity and wonder for the world around them. Use one of the many Apps to help locate the planets and constellations- SkyView
Have a rain picnic
Bring a flask of something warm like hot chocolate, find shelter from the rain in your garden or park