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I'm Fluffy

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I'm Ginger

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I'm Fluffy

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I'm Ginger

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100 Fun Activities for Teens & Young People
Water Based (With instructors/guides where appropriate)
1. Lifeguard Training
2. Sea Swimming Lessons
3. Open swimming- lakes & sea
4. Pier Jumping
5. Fishing, Crabbing & Spratting
6. Deep Sea Fishing
7. Inflatable Waterpark
8. Boat or Barge trip
9. Windsurfing
10. SUPing
11. Surf lessons
12. Kite Surfing
13. Sailing lessons
14. Kayaking & Canoeing
15. River Rafting
16. Beach day
17. Diving & Snorkelling
18. Gorge walking
19. Coasteering
20. Wake boarding
21. Wave boarding
22. Sea Stack Climbing
23. Dolphin & sea life spotting
Land Based (With instructors/guides where appropriate)
24. Hiking & Hill walking
25. Guided Night Hike -Irish Night Hike: "We're kind of half terrified, half excited" (rte.ie)
26. Mountain Climbing
27. Rock climbing & abseiling
28. Orienteering
29. Mountain Running
30. Mountain Biking
31. Adventure centres
32. Guided Caving
33. Camping & Glamping
34. Beach combing for materials for crafting
35. Organise a beach clean with friends
36. Paintball or laser combat
37. Amusement park
38. Ziplining or High ropes
39. Tree Climbing-the high octane kind
40. Archery
41. Horse riding & trail riding
42. Bushcraft & survival camps
43. Teen Building camps
44. Turf Challenge
45. Ireland Fittest Family Course
46. Indoor skydiving
47. Kite Flying
48. Go Karting
49. Cycle a Greenway
50. Go Island Hopping
51. Chase Waterfalls
52. Segway lessons
53. Bungee Jumping
54. Metal Detecting
55. Geocaching – create geocache in local area for friends to follow
56. Fossil Hunting- Easkey Beach Sligo LINK
57. Go to a family friendly music or wellness festival
Closer to home ​
58. Plan an outdoor Movie night with friends
59. Plan a picnic with friends
60. Plan an outdoor scavenger hunt for their friends in the area
61. Camp overnight with friends in your back garden, or nearby age depending.
62. Golf, pitch & putt and crazy golf
63. Make an obstacle course to challenge their friends
64. Water fight
65. Design and create their own hang out zone in your back garden.
66. Take time lapse pictures of your garden or seedlings each day to create a stop motion movie
67. Create a stop motion movie of the day in your local area.
68. Try Nature Photography
69. Organise a litter pick with friends
70. Start a DIY project to improve your outdoor space
71. Get Creative with Nature – Try Nature Art
72. Start an Upcycle Challenge- re dye clothes with natural dye or create something new
73. Declutter and get into Depop
74. Redo your room the Eco way-use charity shop finds to give it a WOW factor
75. Weed out your clothes for a charity shop drop
76. Cycle and get to know your area
77. Frisbee or Dodge ball BBQ party with friends
78. Star Gazing on clear nights
79. Moon Phase Tracking
80. Games night outdoors
81. Take the life skills challenge- take charge of planning food, shopping, money, and running your home for one day.
Gardening, Food & Nature
82. Visit local farmers markets & food festivals
83. Visit local food producers, Beekeepers and allotments
84. Start a small home veg or herb garden-plant for food
85. Forage for berries and ingredients for baking & cooking-blackberries, gooseberries, elderflower, wild garlic or nettles as a start
86. Make a Green Plan for your family
87. Volunteer locally for Nature, Wildlife or Eco groups
88. Get to know what you can do for your planet LINK
89. Animal tracking after dark
90. Take part in wildlife surveys
91. Nature Journaling
92. Perform Random Acts of Green each day for one week
93. Perform Random Acts of Kindness each day for one week
94. Plant a friendship tree
95. Basket Weaving
96. Pottery & Sculpting
97. Nature Art
98. Art outdoors
99. Knitting
100. Carpentry & woodwork projects- Check out ideas in Time On Your Hands/Easy Breezy Relaxing Nature Days.
Top Tips
Including their friend in any of these activities will jack up the interest for your young person.
Many of these may be enjoyed on the annual family holiday so try to book them before your trip for the busy summer season. Let your young person pinpoint a few interests and try to fit these in, where possible in terms of time, location and cost.
Some activities are for closer to home and your young person can get stuck in on their own, or with friends.