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I'm Fluffy

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I'm Ginger

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Walk title

Walk description

I'm Fluffy

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I'm Ginger

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Welcome to
Nature Days


Nature Days is a NOT FOR PROFIT organisation which wants to put Nature back on a pedestal in Ireland. Our work aims to:
Promote the importance of Nature in all our lives.
Help connect the public with Nature for our own health & wellbeing and the wellbeing of our struggling environment.
Support families getting outdoors, connecting with Nature, and to get children playing outdoors regularly. This benefits their healthy development and helps bond them with Nature in childhood.
Help children and families understand Climate Change and become part of the solutions. We are passionate about supporting children and young people with this daunting issue in their young lives.
What now? ​
Activity Finder - Find quick and easy activities to get your family outdoors today. Whether it's a walk or scavenger hunt, it's all here and it's FREE.
Getting Started - Find out how Nature benefits your families health and wellbeing. Use the three helpful guides to increase your families outdoor time this year.
Help Our Planet - Find ways to Help Our Planet for Kids, Families, Communities and Businesses. We can all make a difference, no action is too small!
Blog - Find light and informative tips & advice about getting outdoors and much more.

Just living is not enough, one must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower.
Hans Christian Anderson